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Showing 3 reviews by rlam12 [2020]. all reviews

Planting Flowers
by Johnathan Roatch
all reviews of Planting Flowers

Review by rlam12 all reviews by rlam12

Planting Flowers starts with a nice retro chiptune music, the main character, and a green world canvas where you can put flowers on an invisible hexagonal grid. The game world is bigger than the main screen, and you could technically do some fancy artwork by planting flowers around. The artwork used is all located in a single sprite sheet and looks nice.

The readme mentions the plucking mechanic, but it was never implemented. There are mentions on the source code of a text scroller, and there is even a file loaded as the text to be scrolled, but the feature was not implemented.

On the technical side, this is a good tech-demo of some nice features. The screen is resizable, you can toggle during runtime windowed and Fullscreen modes. There is integer scaling of the main game screen, with a nice floral background to fill up the remaining spaces. The code is easy to follow and shows nice structure. It might be that a good base from previous competitions was used though.

The genre requirement was met with the flower theme, the artistic requirement was not really met and the technical requirement of having some sort of scroller was not implemented.

This is a nice tech demo, and it would be fun to study the code to learn a thing or two, but not that fun at being a game.

Scores: Overall 2 Artistical 1 Technical 2 Genre 3

Flower Life
by NunoMartinez
all reviews of Flower Life

Review by rlam12 all reviews by rlam12

Hola amigo! Nice to see some code with Spanish in it. Flower Life is an interesting idea. The game features a nice purple flower on a 2D side scroller, but it also has a top-down overworld like thing in the lower right corner of the screen. It seems that this world is procedurally generated.

The sinking blimp with the scrolling text is nice. I was not expecting that. The text is…interesting… I want to know the origin of these phrases!

Overall, there is not that much to do besides wandering around the map. Once the blimp crashes no other worthy thing happens. This might have potential as a more polished game though.

Code is somewhat hard to read as it uses lots of abbreviations.

All requirements except for making fun of something old where met. Nice entry! Saludos!

Scores: Overall 2 Artistical 1 Technical 3 Genre 2

Victory Garden
by BugSquasher
all reviews of Victory Garden

Review by rlam12 all reviews by rlam12

Victory Garden looks like a tech demo for Eagle5 usage. It opens with a classic Gothic scene, a scrolling green text with the name of the project, a color gradient, and some debug text un the upper left corner of the screen. After a short while, the picture fades to black and program ends.

Looking around the code I found some clues about the game and what was originally planned. Both characters from the picture where getting divorced and had setup a flower growing contest. This would have been a good 2-player competition game, and whoever wins would have won the farmhouse.

The genre requirement was only met in code, with that description, the artistic requirement was met with the old picture and the technical requirement was met with the scrolling green text.

Again, this is a tech demo for Eagle5. It shows some nice functionality. This could be reworked as an example for various subsystems of the GUI Library.

Scores: Overall 1 Artistical 2 Technical 3 Genre 1