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Showing 2 reviews for Flower Life. all reviews

Flower Life
by NunoMartinez
all reviews of Flower Life

Review by rlam12 all reviews by rlam12

Hola amigo! Nice to see some code with Spanish in it. Flower Life is an interesting idea. The game features a nice purple flower on a 2D side scroller, but it also has a top-down overworld like thing in the lower right corner of the screen. It seems that this world is procedurally generated.

The sinking blimp with the scrolling text is nice. I was not expecting that. The text is…interesting… I want to know the origin of these phrases!

Overall, there is not that much to do besides wandering around the map. Once the blimp crashes no other worthy thing happens. This might have potential as a more polished game though.

Code is somewhat hard to read as it uses lots of abbreviations.

All requirements except for making fun of something old where met. Nice entry! Saludos!

Scores: Overall 2 Artistical 1 Technical 3 Genre 2

Review by Tharro all reviews by Tharro

Flower Life ended up being (the most famous) simulation game. While we were teased with screenshots of a nice shoot-em-up sadly an to date unknown bug ruined these plans.

The simulation is a recreation of the Conway's Game of Life but this time with colorful flowers as "cells". Given the limited time there is a few bugs (performance, flowers are not always not rendered) but I've checked the source and it is an implementation of Conway's Game of Life. It's impressive as well to deliver something in only a couple of hours (guess the RAD promise of Lazarus is true).

Hope you can finish something in a next competition (or continue on your shoot-em-up because it looked promising).

Scores: Overall 2 Artistical 1 Technical 1 Genre 4