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Showing 2 reviews by dthompson [2020]. all reviews

Flowers by Allefant
by elias
all reviews of Flowers by Allefant

Review by dthompson all reviews by dthompson

This is pretty damn good for a 72h hack. Nice block colour visuals, intuitive controls, and of course an entirely procedurally generated 3D environment. There's even a themed text scroller! Very nice.

At first I'd worried that the Queen's AI would be difficult to follow, but actually her behaviour isn't jarring at all - and given her speed matches yours, following her actually makes for a fair challenge.

Overall, it's very easy to see what you're doing - though the bee's butt did occasionally get in the way. Would be easily fixable with a tiny amount of zoom out, but this really wasn't a huge problem.

Given the brilliant graphics on this thing, it's with some solid regret that I felt I had to mark this down in terms of the artistic requirements; I get elias's thinking on it making fun of 'old-fashioned things', but I'm not feeling that making fun of fetch quests et al quite hits the mark. They aren't *too* old, IMHO! So yeah, apologies if this seems harsh, but that's why.

Scores: Overall 5 Artistical 3 Technical 5 Genre 5

by Mark Oates
all reviews of Flowers

Review by dthompson all reviews by dthompson

In short: this is the most oddly relaxing game, it makes for a really good coffee break, and that's a good thing. ;)

I feel like this'd make for a really good mobile game, perhaps with more achievements and infinite play. But hey, this is a 72-hour coding exercise!

In terms of rules: it's obviously 100% flowers and procedurally generated. Mark's 'Act of Monkey' (celebrate and cherish old-fashioned things) makes things interesting here, and though I wouldn't have figured that out without seeing the readme, I guess it makes sense. The scrolling text was unexpected, but not unwelcome - and (obviously) required.

Scores: Overall 4 Artistical 4 Technical 5 Genre 5