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Showing 1 reviews for Dr Forest. all reviews

Dr Forest
by Allefant
all reviews of Dr Forest

Review by SiegeLord all reviews by SiegeLord

Dr Forest is a fascinating game, you're tasked to save a forest that truly must have offended some deity or karmic force. It has a compelling variety of gameplay, you can save your forest from all sorts of maladies using a number of different tools. Most tools seem to do more harm than good (like the fire one... your fores is basically made of matchsticks), but the tree remover is a reliable and fun solution to most missions once you get it. As always, Elias does not disappoint with his graphical style, and the 3/4 camera angle is interesting. It's a very fun game, not too challenging but not at all boring either.

Scores: Overall 5 Artistical 4 Technical 5 Genre 3