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Showing 3 reviews by SiegeLord [2017]. all reviews

Dr Forest
by Allefant
all reviews of Dr Forest

Review by SiegeLord all reviews by SiegeLord

Dr Forest is a fascinating game, you're tasked to save a forest that truly must have offended some deity or karmic force. It has a compelling variety of gameplay, you can save your forest from all sorts of maladies using a number of different tools. Most tools seem to do more harm than good (like the fire one... your fores is basically made of matchsticks), but the tree remover is a reliable and fun solution to most missions once you get it. As always, Elias does not disappoint with his graphical style, and the 3/4 camera angle is interesting. It's a very fun game, not too challenging but not at all boring either.

Scores: Overall 5 Artistical 4 Technical 5 Genre 3

Heart Disease
by iamgreaser
all reviews of Heart Disease

Review by SiegeLord all reviews by SiegeLord

Heart Disease is a dual stick shooter with a multitude of technical novelties. In terms of the game, it has an interesting puzzle element in the fact that you need to plan your route carefully to disable the spawners before you (or the FPS tanks). In terms of the technical bits, the procedurally generated music stands out. Additionally the choice of language, Chicken Scheme, sets it apart from most compiled languages people typically use for this.

Scores: Overall 3 Artistical 3 Technical 4 Genre 2

Dr Havoc Shitfan
by Ben 'Bruce "entheh" Perry' Wieczorek-Davis
all reviews of Dr Havoc Shitfan

Review by SiegeLord all reviews by SiegeLord

No patient deserves the doctor that you can play in this game. While you can play nicely and treat the patient's actual maladies, performing heinous malpractice is where the real gameplay lies. I enjoyed the meta strategy involved to maximize the havoc. A fun game!

Scores: Overall 4 Artistical 5 Technical 5 Genre 5