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Showing 2 reviews by kenmasters1976 [2008]. all reviews

Aliens on Fire
by entheh
all reviews of Aliens on Fire

Review by kenmasters1976 all reviews by kenmasters1976

Well, I was forced to review Aliens on Fire by entheh. Lucky me!.

Aliens on Fire must be one of the most complete entries for TINS 2008. It features an original, yet simple gameplay, that together with a cool graphical presentation, cool effects, cool dialogs, cool music, and a cool amount of randomness, turns it into an oustanding entry. An absolute MUST PLAY.

The game idea is to destroy everything on the surface of a number of planets. You do that with a fixed number of bombs and missiles that you have to use efficiently to try and maximize the destruction. You get points on each planet depending on the destruction caused, including extra points for destroying all buildings or all forest areas. The Hi-Scores table in the game will have you aiming for a perfect score on each planet, which you\'ll find to be rather challenging.

The random generated levels just fit perfectly in giving the game its challenge. You may find yourself in a level with a fuel depot in the middle of the sea ruining your perfect game.

Everything from the 3D presentation of the planets to the effect of the ship traveling in space and the hilarious dialogs is presented in a very professional way.

All the TINS rules were fulfilled quite nicely:

Genere: Destruction.
Not only destruction is the main theme in the game, but it is also presented in a very original and nice looking way.

Artisitcal: NPC\'s with insulting dialog.
During intermissions, you get a lot of hilarious dialog, some of them insulting, that fulfill this rule.

Artistical: World domination.
Having someone that randomly picks 7 planets and decide to destroy them just because, is a valid argument for the world domination part.

Technical: atan2().
The readme states that it uses atan2() to pass angles to the rotate_sprite() functions. If the game doesn\'t seem to have plenty of places to make use of atan2() with its 3D look, then that statement alone should suffice.

Bonus rule: Act of Letterman.
Well, if the world domination argument is not solid enough, there\'s some dialog involving entheh that calls this Act. Even amarillion appears in a dialog.

Overall: Outstanding!.

Scores: Overall 5 Artistical 5 Technical 5 Genre 5

Avery's World Destruction
by DownloadMyHeart
all reviews of Avery's World Destruction

Review by kenmasters1976 all reviews by kenmasters1976

This game doesn\'t seem to be completed. The provided readme.txt isn\'t helpful in explaining whether it is even playable or not.

The game features a presentation with the title of the game and a working menu. All menu entries do work but it\'s not clear how (or if) is possible to play. I even tried to create a file using the \"Editor\" menu option, which again, there\'s no clue as to how to use it; but after saving the file, trying to load it in the \"Play\" menu option resulted in an error.

So, there\'s not much to review since the game is not playable. Not to mention that it is nowhere near to implementing the TINS rules.

Scores: Overall 1 Artistical 1 Technical 1 Genre 1