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Showing 1 reviews by elias [2007]. all reviews

by entheh
all reviews of Pyrotrash

Review by elias all reviews by elias

Pyrotrash is an online multiplayer game of up to four players. Each player can choose one of the four beautifully animated characters:

Crisp packet
Rather slow, but strong attack. Burns good.

Milk carton
Faster, but weaker attack. Also burns.

Energy drink
Very fast, and can walk through fire without too much harm.

Burnt chicken
Slow, but fire resistant and can start fires.

After characters are chosen, the game begins in a random generated level. There are usually several floors connected by ladders. Each player can run around with their character and shoot. The goal is to survive the longest.

This opens the possibility of different strategies. One is to ignite lots of fires, then hide behind in an open space. If the other player is in a smaller space, and doesn\'t have a fire resistant characters, you will win for sure - if the other player runs through the fire to attack, he will lose a lot of health. If he waits, the fire will catch him sooner as he is in the smaller space.

Another strategy is to assault the opponent directly, before fires start spreading. Here it is important to know the strengths and weakness of your characters. E.g. if you have a fast bug weak one, try to dodge hits and use your speed for surprise attacks. And with more than 2 players, it\'s always good to keep an eye on all the other players.

In the games I played, I had a lot of fun, even though currently, it seems a bit unbalanced.. but if you can find a server with players, definitely worth playing a few games. With some improvements, I think this has the potential to be a great game.

But for a TINS entry, even the current version is quite polished and playable.

Scores: Overall 5 Artistical 4 Technical 5 Genre 4