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Showing 3 reviews by Sos [2008]. all reviews

The mysterious and evil Dr. F.
by amarillion
all reviews of The mysterious and evil Dr. F.

Review by Sos all reviews by Sos

In this game you are to protect the world from evil Dr.F. You are in control of a tank, a helicopter, or both with the ability to switch between these. As you take your actions you are attacked by numerous static and mobile enemies. The goal of each level is to destroy the bunker, which is heavily reinforced.

The game is of infinite length, for if you beat the last level, it appears that the Dr. F (Princess F?) is \"in another castle\" :P Apart from that game seems quite complete though. Marking is as follows:

Artistic: 3
Graphics are well done, yet most of the levels seem empty, and you can simply wander off to a desert with nothing around. The cutscenes are ncie however.

Technical: 2
The game is playable, yet unbeatable. The enemies aim well (using atan2) however if you simply follow the green arrow (which shows bunker\'s location) and shoot mad at the bunker you can beat the game in about 3 minutes or so.
There is also no player - building collision detection

Rules: 4
One by one:
World domination: Dr F is said to have plans to dominate the world, so it\'s a-ok
Destruction: Destruction is an essential part of the game, but buildings are invincible (:/) that\'s why 4, not 5
Dialogues: There are insulting dialogues (and hilarious ones either)
atan2: Used for bunker arrow and enemy aiming.

Overall it\'s a good game, yet too easy to play, and impossible to beat.

Scores: Overall 4 Artistical 3 Technical 2 Genre 4

Entry of allefant
by allefant
all reviews of Entry of allefant

Review by Sos all reviews by Sos

This is a settlers-like real time strategy game. You are a master of an floating island which reminds the ones you see in Netstorm. Your island is surrounded by 4 smaller ones, each carrying an evil spire. Each spire occasionally sends \'an evil\' towards your island. This Evil can either destroy one of your bouildings or trees or plant itself in the island gradually eating it, and reproduce itself in the process. You can build several different structures on your island, each providing you with different unit:

Woodcut: cuts down trees, and provides you with wood, the only material used for building.
Constructor: constructs building, available from the beginning
Planter: Plants trees
Protector: gets rid of the evil spawn from your world. It converts it into Mana
Farmer: provides citizents with food
Residence: provides 5 inhabitants
Healer: uses mana to extend the land

Game mechanics work quite well. Each unit is controlled by AI, without need to worry by the player. A unit action goes in two turns: first it goes out of its hut, does his job, then returns into hut. Some of the units seem to \'get lost\' in this small piece of world by, for instance cutting a tree on thew other side of the island while there still are plenty of trees near the hut.

The rules are met quite well:
World domination: in this game YOU control the world, so it\'s very well met.
Insulting dialogs: units seem to express their narrow world perception every now and then by uttering some quotes like \"I\'m a lumberjack and I\'m okay\", some are insulting the player, so the rule is met alright.
atan2: only occurance of atan is in one of the npc\'s sentence saying that the creator had no idea what atan2 is.
Destruction: those evil spawns will keep eating your island regardless how big army have you built, so it\'s met
Act of Letterman: the same as for atan2, this sentence makes fun of the creator clearly.

Game\'s art resembles a hybrid between settlers and netstorm, and give\'s quite a nice impression. Overall, the game is playable, I don\'t know whether it\'s winnable, because it\'s hard as hell.

Scores: Overall 4 Artistical 4 Technical 4 Genre 4

by Alvren
all reviews of Beetzkrieg

Review by Sos all reviews by Sos

I just had to write a reviw for this one. I\'ll make it brief tho, so:

It has nothing to do with the rules, but the look of it is splendid. It just looks so eye-catchy. multiplayer is great too =] And the tune, that at first seems improper for the image, fits perfectly. That\'s why artistic: 5, rest: whatever.


Scores: Overall 2 Artistical 4 Technical 4 Genre 1