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Showing 2 reviews by Marcello [2006]. all reviews

by Tigge
all reviews of Trainee

Review by Marcello all reviews by Marcello

Trainee is a quite nicely polished game that follows a pseudo pipe style gameplay. This level-based puzzle game displays sets of tracks and a train moves along them to a goal. As the player, you can switch tracks at certain points, and even add tracks.

The graphics in the game are simple but fitting. Some improvements could be made to how the train turns at corners, but for the most part, the game does not look like it was made in just 3 days.

However, the gameplay is lacking somewhat in speed. Once you've set the level layout how you like, there is no way (that I could see) to fast forward the level so that you could complete it. Being impatient I found myself just wanting the train to go faster so that I could continue to the next level. This kind of issue can easily be fixed and is the type of problem that usually comes out in user testing, so I do not hold it seriously against the game.

All in all, the game is well made, but somewhat slow. With this feature and perhaps slightly revised graphics, this would be an excellent game.

Scores: Overall 4 Artistical 4 Technical 3 Genre 3

h80r's entry
by h8or
all reviews of h80r's entry

Review by Marcello all reviews by Marcello

This game is not in English, and seems to crash when I pick the first option, does nothing when I pick the second, and exits when I pick the third. The readme doesn't explain anything, either.

Scores: Overall 1 Artistical 1 Technical 1 Genre 1