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Showing 1 reviews for Mutant Jellies. all reviews
Mutant Jellies
by mark
all reviews of Mutant Jellies

Review by notme all reviews by notme
1. Genre - how well does the entry comply with the genre requirement (themars theme). Give credit for
creativity, originality and technical skillz.
All the genre requirements have been fulfitted I think.Because the Mars theme is not extemely clear to see back in the game,I will give 4 points for the genre item.
2. Technical - how well does the entry comply with the technicalrequirements (the GUI and the
non-rectangular grid requirements).
I am very much impressed by the fact that Mark Robson has managed to get hispolygon collision codeworking within the time (I m guessing that must have been
pretty hard to getall right so quickly).Also there is obviously nothing bad to say about the GUI, since it´s justallegro gui.5 points for this one.
3. Artistic - how well does the entry comply with the artisticalrequirements (jellies and molecule
The molecule formulas were clearly present in the game, and there were usednicely for the fuel and acid
gun. Also the jellies, I can't complain about them as well :), were present.5 points for this one too,
since everything is just as it should be.
4. Overall - is the game polished? is it fun to play?
I noticed a few minor bugs in the game, like jellies killing themselfs orteleporters turning into
fueltanks, but they were not annoying or anything. I didn't take the bugfixof after the compo into
account, since that wouldn't be fair (for example, I could know of plenty ofthing I wanted to fix to my
entry but didn't have time for). But it's always good to fix bugs though :)The gameplay itself was very good, it was really a fun challenge to make theship move
properly between all
the rocks (I've become pretty good at it now).I am quite impressed by the fact that he has both quite fancy algo's used init (polygon collision, nice
particles...) and still delivered a polished and fun game in time.5 points as well.
Scores: Overall None Artistical None Technical None Genre None