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Showing 1 reviews for Mutant Jello from Mars!. all reviews
Mutant Jello from Mars!
by danyan
all reviews of Mutant Jello from Mars!

Review by elias all reviews by elias
First, this wasn't easy to get working. It used for(int.. construct
which is broken in MSVC, it hardcoded a color depth of 24 (16, 32 are
the common ones - desktop_color_depth() also works), and, most evily,
seemed to require page flipping - which fewer and fewer HW supports (at
least not mine under linux :P). OTOH, that's a problem of Allegro for
not providing a function set_best_mode () and some functions to make
screen updating more transparent, not requiring to hardcode one
particular mode. Anyway, with the described changes, it worked nicely.
It's a very nice looking speedhack entry. Of course, since it's a
speedhack entry, it isn't really a complete game. But there is some
basic gameplay. I managed to win (it's too easy to win) and also die.
Still, including gameplay of at least some minutes would have been a
plus - but few manage to do so in a speedhack, i miserably failed
I really like the gfx, especially the 3d floor. I think it's also a
effect for a speedhack entry, a simple effect, which still makes it
like something special - could have been my idea if I hadn't have the
idea to do a rotating hex map :) And I also like the jelly monsters a
lot - they have this very distinct look to them.
About the speedhack requirements, they are all met. It plays on mars,
there's a GUI, and there's jellies and molecules. So, I can only say,
quite well done - just use more time for gameplay next time (which I'm
also telling to myself).
Scores: Overall None Artistical None Technical None Genre None