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Showing 1 reviews for mars. all reviews
by amarillion
all reviews of mars

Review by danyan all reviews by danyan
Experience the awesomeness of Amarilion's Martian sidescrolling shooter.
The game is an entry into TINS 2002, a 72 hour game programming competition.
Take on the role of a Martian, defending his planet from invading Jelly
monsters! What great stuff is packed into this game?
Amarilion did an excellent job with this game. The enemies seem to take
just about the right number of hits to kill. The graphics are excellent.
The weapon powerups are actual improvements, and make sense. The jelly
moves is an awesome pattern.
The only bad thing of which I can think is that the scrolling is sometimes
too slow. It seems to take forever to get from one side of a rock obstacle
to the other.
An amazing piece of work for only 72 hours.
Scores: Overall None Artistical None Technical None Genre None