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Showing 1 reviews by carlos [2003]. all reviews

by tobi
all reviews of Marsworm

Review by carlos all reviews by carlos

On cloudy day, birds were singing to warm themselves,cars were honking and i was at work freezing to death.I had noting to do so i decided "What the heck,
i'm gonna test some of the tins games. Those guys deserve it!".And so i did.I started with this entry, Tobi was the author, and it had very few files. I remember
thinking to myself "Heck, this must be one of the incomplete entries". I double clicked the executable and an ugly allegro gui appeared "YUCK" i tought to myself,
fortunately itwas only to choose the resolution and those kinds ofstuff. Then i remember thinking: "How toughtfull"*click @windowed* (i was at work eheh).The
game starts and what do i see, a sphere with smallchemical thingies around. "WTF?" i tought, "this can'tbe, i'm bored already". So i clicked the sphere, thecamera
shifted a bit and a red dot appeared. "WTF??" itought again.And then... it happened... this glowing, magestic,slowmoving snake appears and then it hits me (not
thesnake, a revelation).


I couldn't believe it, the objective of the game issimilar to a ordinary snake game, BUT THE MAP IS ASPHERE. i would never think of something like this,it's
pure genious and when i stopped playing it wasalready time to leave work, so you better be preparedfor an addictive game.

With that said... IT'S A SNAKE GAME WITH A 3D SPHEREMAP!!!... just in case you didn't get it a first!

It's a winner for me. And well, that's my two cents...now i must... play...

Scores: Overall None Artistical None Technical None Genre None