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Showing 2 reviews for Space Fortress. all reviews

Space Fortress
by Slartibartfast
all reviews of Space Fortress

Review by Timorg all reviews by Timorg

For an incomplete entry, it was actually ok to play. The harpoons are tricky to shoot where you want them to go, but it adds an interesting play mechanic, and ducking and diving between the incoming fire is quite satisfying.

The game combines spaceships that fire harpoons rather than bullets

Unfortunately a dragon did not make it into the unfinished project

How the spaceships are configured is generated from prime numbers.

While there is the ability to restart from the level you are up to, any level can be accessed at any time, so its not so much a save feature, but it does work.

The game features parallax scrolling stars, fulfilling this technical requirement.

Unfortunately the game is incomplete. The future direction for the game sounds good, but at this stage falls quite short of the goals.

Scores: Overall 2 Artistical 1 Technical 4 Genre 2

Review by amarillion all reviews by amarillion

It's quite fun to with the screen fill up with stars and harpoons. The game would get more replay value if it had a scoring system, and remembered your hiscore.

As for the rules, I think the genre rule and the parallax technical rule are implemented most extensively. The dragons are there only in name, and the save progress rule is implemented in a very simple way.

Scores: Overall 3 Artistical 2 Technical 2 Genre 3