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Showing 2 reviews for Drakenkaput. all reviews

by SiegeLord
all reviews of Drakenkaput

Review by darkbits all reviews by darkbits

Drakenkaput very simple, but functional game. It's not bad considering the author only spent 24 hours on it. However, it does not exactly leave a lasting impression.

The game could probably have benefited from some more polished gameplay, for example faster and more fluid controls, better AI, bullets you could actually dodge, etc.

The pixelgraphics are very nice, with animations and everything! :)

Scores: Overall 3 Artistical 4 Technical 2 Genre 3

Review by elias all reviews by elias

I was thrown out of the game many times with this:

core.exception.AssertError@game\CollisionManager.d(160): Objects embedded in level geometry or each other
Disposable classes instance counts:
No leaked instances!

But thanks to the passwords at least once a level was finished I could continue with the next.

The gameplay is quite simple, move with cursor keys and then while human swing your sword with the left control key and while dragon press control key to spew fire.

I didn't quite understand the additional game mechanisms and the README has no information either. There is some kind of combo system - supposedly something with prime numbers.

While a dragon you're invincible (and have full health again afterwards). And enemies you hit start burning (but it seems to not always hurt them)? Also sometimes the dragon bar would fill up again while I still was a dragon - very useful but very random.

So my technique to beat the three levels was to basically charge right in, then either become a dragon or die. In the former case charge into the next group as quickly as possible and repeat.

Now for my scores. This is the first game I'm scoring so I may adjust them later (and if I can't edit the review below won't be my final scores).

Genre I give 5/5. The setting is as anachronistic as it gets. (Unless maybe one of the other entries has some great idea how to use "anachronism" as a genre - myself I don't see any better ideas.)

Technical I give 3/5. One point for the password reloading. One point for the parallax scrolling. One point for using prime numbers (I did some research for my own entry how to use prime numbers in a clever way - but I think all you can do with them is basically just include them, for whatever). But other than that, while I find it very cool to use D, there's the crash and I found the controls and collision detection to not be implemented very well.

Artistical I give 3/5. There's dragons. The pixel art is above programmer's art level and the grates to view the parallax sky below are a nice touch.

Overall 4/5. It's a complete playable game. There's even music. Hard to believe you only used one third of the available time... had you used the full time and made a game 3 times as good it surely would be 5/5 :)

Scores: Overall 4 Artistical 3 Technical 3 Genre 5