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Showing 1 reviews by IanSutton [2010]. all reviews

Secret of Fantasy 2
by darkbits
all reviews of Secret of Fantasy 2

Review by IanSutton all reviews by IanSutton

First of all I would like to say that the rules that I gave a low score to are not necessarily bad, I could only review based on what I could actually see, and sadly I couldn't get the game to run. I tried pretty hard to get it to compile, but even after hacking away at some errors in the source I couldn't for the life of me get it to go. So I apologize for the lack of a proper review.

From looking through the image folders the graphics look really nice and for the most part fit the bill of being hand drawn. I'm just amazed they all fitted into such a small zip file considering they're all .bmps. From the art style it looks like you play an angel, so I'd say it fits the genre requirement, I couldn't tell you how this plays out in game, but its still in there.

Again, simply from looking through the data files I could find no voice work. This doesn't mean there was none in the game, there may be if it synthesized somehow at run time, but I could not see it.

I also can't comment on the technical rules. I'm pretty sure there is some polymorphism going on in there, looking through the code, it seems heavily class based, so its somewhat inevitable. What I can't say however is how this plays out in game, which is kind of the key bit.

Again, I apologize for not being able to review this game properly. From the graphics and music it is clear that a lot of effort went in to this, but I really did try to get it working, to no avail.

Scores: Overall None Artistical None Technical None Genre None