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Showing 4 reviews by Alvren [2008]. all reviews

Entry of Jeff Bernard
by jbernard
all reviews of Entry of Jeff Bernard

Review by Alvren all reviews by Alvren

Here we are put on control of a super sexy panda (?) with a mission to the center of the death core, as stated in the fun, good-looking title screen. Right in the beginning nothing of that seems clear, of course, but as the game progresses and you rescue the cuddlegators (a version of Alex the Allegator with added cuddlability?) you get to know little by little about the story of the mad scientist who wanted to conquer the world and then... well, let\'s not spoil it here!

You need to rescue the cuddlegators before you leave each floor by stepping in the blue tile, avoiding the viruses that are destroying the death core . You don\'t want them to mistake you for death core.

Interesting game! I\'ll make it a list of positive and negative points to make things more clear.
Negative points first:

- Can\'t skip dialog; this is not a big one, but it gets to you when you restart the game for the Xth time and already memorized the lines.
- Walking vertically and horizontally is perfect, but the diagonal walking is not parallel to the isometric tiles. It does generate some confusion since a lot of the time you\'ll need to move as fast as you can and avoid all collision.
- No readme; the controls are basic and beyond intuitive, but it\'s nice to have something to read about the game at least.

Now for the positive points:

- Particles, they add a lot to the otherwise not-full-of-movement look of the game. Particles should keep eyes happy and not make the screen a colorful mess. These are a good example of both qualities.
- Good-looking dialog; the \"typed-in\" effect always makes it more interesting than a single blit of a message to the screen. Also, the dialog windows have nice transparency and are not always in the same spot on the screen, all adding
to the movement and making the whole experience less boring.
- Obscure story: actually I should put this under both negative and positive, but I\'ll keep it to this since it\'s much more positive than negative after all. The game plot is obscure and makes no sense in the beginning, but since it\'s revealed little by little by the rescued cuddlegators it can be forgiven. This kind of story-telling gives it a better feel and even adds a tiny bit to the replay more than a story-in-the-readme-only kind of thing (which is exactly what I did).

Conclusion: it\'s a nice game, but the gameplay consisting basically of playing a level and dying until you memorize the correct order to rescue the cuddlegators makes it kind of boring. Adding a few more elements to gameplay could change that drastically, and I guess that\'s the usual damage lack of time causes on games. At least it\'s exactly what happened to mine as well... ;)

Rules: destruction is nice and happening all the time. The sound and particles help transmit the feeling, as opposed to a simply disappearing tile. World domination and mad scientists are the plot of the game. The insulting dialog is delivered by the very-grateful cuddlegators in a fun way. Atan2 was used in the particle generator effect (from what it seemed to me after a few Ctrl+Fs given the lack of a readme.txt), but not like I really understand what it does anyway. All the rules were implemented well enough in the game.

Scores: Overall 3 Artistical 4 Technical 3 Genre 2

by FalseMasterJ
all reviews of Failure

Review by Alvren all reviews by Alvren

The worst part about it is that it looks like a promising game :P

Scores: Overall 1 Artistical 5 Technical 5 Genre 1

Avery's World Destruction
by DownloadMyHeart
all reviews of Avery's World Destruction

Review by Alvren all reviews by Alvren

Didn\'t play it. How the hell do you play it? What is a CSV?

Scores: Overall 1 Artistical 1 Technical 1 Genre 1

Break Invaders
by kibiz0r
all reviews of Break Invaders

Review by Alvren all reviews by Alvren

Not played either, no binary :(

Scores: Overall 1 Artistical 1 Technical 1 Genre 1