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Showing 3 reviews for Rubble Trouble. all reviews

Rubble Trouble
by Cacodaemon
all reviews of Rubble Trouble

Review by Hard Rock all reviews by Hard Rock

This is an okay looking game and being a programmer and not an artist I can understand the developer’s heavy overuse of the gradient tool, as that’s something I like to do myself to shade things.

Now as for the actual game, it’s really slow placed. The reason for this is probably because it’s a lot easier to develop a game and perfect timing for a variety of a maps running at a slower speed then it does at a faster one.

The game basically plays as a “collect and return all the items” type game, and to add variety you have to dodge different weather all elements who besides their appearance all do the exact same thing. A simple concept and one that gets boring really quickly, but this is a rather decent entry and overall it is not too bad.

Scores: Overall 2 Artistical 3 Technical 2 Genre 3

Review by joeld42 all reviews by joeld42

This was pretty fun. The levels were challenging and the gameplay was simple but effective. Good player controls and collision detection. I liked the variety of enemies (natural disasters).

Overall -- Pretty fun and challenging. Nice that it had five levels.
Artistical -- Not bad for programmer art. Didn\'t seem to have a strong connection to news or current events though.
Technical -- A little buggy. Smoke was nice but there was no fire.
Genre -- Definately a good fit for the genre!

Scores: Overall 3 Artistical 2 Technical 2 Genre 4

Review by Blackroot all reviews by Blackroot

Not taking into account that this game was made in one weekend
i feel like the game is lacking in all aspects. The worst thing
about the game is the gameplay, the character is too slow and
trying to avoid those \"things\" while picking up different types
of waste isn\'t fun, it\'s just time consuming. Looking at the
artistical quality i\'d say it\'s next to nothing, with only a
short text in the main menu saying \"Climate Disaster We
Will All Die!!!\" the game falls to the very bottom of the
artistical society. The graphics.. oh the horror, shadowed
objects that rotate? i don\'t know what to say so i\'ll quote
my little sister when she played the game: \"va fult\". Lets
just say the graphics isn\'t the strongest part of the game.
Looking at the technical part, i can tell Cacodaemon clearly
didn\'t have enought time to finish the game, the game
contains a smoke effect, but no fire effect (atleast i could
not find one) and the game crashes upon exiting. Being all
about collecting garbage and evade climate disasters this
game fits perfectly into the position of the required genre.

Even if this game fails in almost every possible way i
somewhat feel like it isn\'t that bad, and it is after all
created in one weekend, some polishing(pretty much that is)
could make this game into something more respectable.

Scores: Overall 2 Artistical 2 Technical 2 Genre 4