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Showing 2 reviews by darkbits [2007]. all reviews

OMG Garbage
by BAF
all reviews of OMG Garbage

Review by darkbits all reviews by darkbits

This is the first time I\'ve seen an adventure game in TINS. Very cool, since I like adventure game.

However, the adventure genre might not be best genre for TINS. Lots of content, like storyline and graphics is needed. The engine feels pretty solid, but the game is very short and the puzzles that the player have to solve are insulting to the players intellect, at best.

The graphics are, well, ultra-dadaist, but provide a good laugh. Extra bonus for the comments about TINS at the end =).

There is lots of garbage in the game (purple garbage), but there seems to be no references to current events in the game. There is fire and smoke, but they are not proceduraly generated.

So, in essence:
Thumbs up for genre choice.
Thumbs down for short and boring.

Would love to se a proper (non-TINS) adventure game from you guys in the future!

Scores: Overall 1 Artistical 1 Technical 2 Genre 3

Gangs of Garbage City
by BigBrain
all reviews of Gangs of Garbage City

Review by darkbits all reviews by darkbits

When starting the game it gives a very promising impression, the graphics are good, the main character is cute and there is garbage all over the place and as you play the game garbage needs to be collected before it sets on fire. However, the game quickly tends to get quite boring. Most of the time is spent on looking at the main character walking back and forth to the garbage truck. It would have been nice if that process could be speeded up or perhaps changed so the main character kicks the garbage into the truck. Another problem with the game is that as a player there is not much to do in order to become better, the game itself is quite easy and the game mechanics are simply to simple.

Thumbs up for good graphics and fire and smoke effects.
Thumbs down for overall gameplay.

Scores: Overall 3 Artistical 2 Technical 3 Genre 4