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Showing 2 reviews by newcreature [2006]. all reviews

by guilt
all reviews of ASCII Train

Review by newcreature all reviews by newcreature

Okay, this game is really short and all you have to do is hold the right arrow key until you reach the end. The graphics are fully ASCII art and I think they look pretty cool.

Scores: Overall 1 Artistical 3 Technical 3 Genre 3

Yozshura's entry
by yozshura
all reviews of Yozshura's entry

Review by newcreature all reviews by newcreature

I didn't really understand what I was supposed to be doing in this game. Basically I walked around for a long time and fought different monsters while being randomly transported between time periods. That was pretty much all there was to do. I did like the time period idea, though. It just needs to be implemented a little better.

Scores: Overall 1 Artistical 3 Technical 2 Genre 4