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Showing 1 reviews for Exterminator. all reviews

by Epoch
all reviews of Exterminator

Review by segludian all reviews by segludian

Overall: Pretty good. I got to frentic mode once, and it seemed pretty cool, lots of red pixels all over the place. The game is a bit simplistic in scope which is understandable due to time contstraints. Probably would have been more fun with sound. Adding barriers to hide behind or extra levels with more varied backgrounds would have helped too.

Artistic: Pretty minimalist (but well drawn) sprites. Trolls figure in prominently and the unlockable is cool.

Technical: The sine wave gun seems to rotate nicely and is not just a pre-rendered sprite.

Genre: The parody part seems a bit forced, but that seemed to be rather common among all of the entries.

Scores: Overall 3 Artistical 3 Technical 3 Genre 3