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Showing 1 reviews for Earth Invaders. all reviews
Earth Invaders
by h
all reviews of Earth Invaders

Review by inphernic all reviews by inphernic
An average game in every respect - easy to play, working graphics, etc,but lacks content. The game is entertaining for a while, but getsrepetitive fast and loses
replay value. With a bit more content andpolish, this would be a really nice game, but considering that this wasdone in three days is still commendable.
The genre requirement was fulfilled, but I was hoping for something moreoriginal and creative.
Technically, the game was ok (even though basic from a programmer's pointof view). The particle effects - albeit "cheap" - work very nicely.
The artistic requirement was fulfilled successfully as well, though Iwould've liked to see something more come out of the requirements. Now therequirements are
implemented as one picture of the planet and a rotatingpicture of "jelly" (from the cannon).
In overall - nice work for three days' time, but more work is required tomake it an interesting game.
Scores: Overall None Artistical None Technical None Genre None