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Showing 1 reviews by mark [2003]. all reviews
by jorge
all reviews of PlanetKiller

Review by mark all reviews by mark
Jorge's entry is a simple vertical shooter. Basically, the theme is you have to defend Mars against various falling items. Or something.
Anyway, it's simple, but it works and it's reasonably fun for about 30 seconds.
I can't really give this game massively high marks for anything I'm afraid - although it's technically right, there is not a massive amount of innovation or
originality gone into it, nor has it approached any of the requirements from an interesting angle.
I also felt that perhaps he could have come up with slightly more in a weekend - there is only three types of enemies, no weapons upgrades, bonuses
etc, no sound.
Genre: 2 The Mars theme doesn't really show through very much - although it's technically there. There is a picture of
Mars, but no other references I can see.
In respect of the general genre, it's a shooter, polished, but not particularly finished.
Technical: 3 It's good that he's got a
non-rectangular grid. In fact there isn't a grid at all. But the collision detection works, and the weapons, explosions etc rendering as
is simple and effective.
I can't really comment on the GUI, it isn't used for anything except for "Play, Pause and Quit".
Artistic: 3 There are
certainly molecular formulae in there. I give him a good mark for effort, the "Jelly" bad guys behave in a jelly-like way (well, they bounce,
Overall: 2 The game is playable, but not very much fun. In particular, the player has no sense of achieveing anything. Levels
end without any reward, or even notification except that the next level starts instantly, with lots of enemies appearing.
Scores: Overall None Artistical None Technical None Genre None